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Minggu, 17 Mei 2015

How to Be Prepared for a Hike

Have you always wanted to experience the great outdoors, but are afraid that you will be caught unprepared? Read on to find out how to be prepared for a hike.
  1. Enlist a friend to hike with you: someone who likes hiking and is good company is a good choice 
  2.  Choose where to hike. Consider the following when choosing: natural views and landscape, accessibility, the availability of marked hiking trails, the length of the hike based on your personal experience and ability. Consider the terrain of the area as well. Hills and mountains are beautiful but even a short steep hike can be too challenging.
  3.  Pack plenty of water. Even if you plan to hike for just a couple of hours, you do not want to run the risk of becoming dehydrated. Plan 1 L per person per hour of hiking. 
  4.  Wear supportive, closed footwear and comfortable socks. Hiking boots are best. If you do not have boots, wear comfortable shoes with thick supportive soles. Make sure to take an extra pair of socks as well, particularly if you are going on a longer hike.  
  5. Wear comfortable clothes in layers that you can remove or add as needed. If you are hiking in an area where the weather is changeable, pack rain gear. 
  6. Wear a hat and sunscreen. Pack additional sunscreen. 
  7. Somewhere along the trail you will probably get hungry, so you should pack something like GORP (Good Old Raisins and Peanuts). GORP doesn't have to be raisins and peanuts. Cherries, almonds, M&Ms, walnuts, cranberries, and peanut butter chips are all good. Anything non-perishable and bite-sized will do. If you are eating a meal on the trail, pack light, and as spill-free as possible. Sandwiches, bite-sized vegetables, beef sticks, fruit leather, and apples are also good trail food. Pack a small bag to contain any trash that you make. Do not leave any trash on the trail. 
  8. If you are going somewhere with steep, rocky slopes, then fingerless gloves are a good thing to have on you. Normal work-gloves are good too. Hiking or walking sticks are also helpful for getting up a steep slopes, particularly if you carry a heavy pack or do not have good balance. 
  9. Let someone know that you are hiking, where, and how long you expect to hike. Tell them you will check in with them when you return. Then check in with that person when you return. Just in case anything goes wrong (for example, you get lost), that person will know where to look for you, or know to contact help if you do not return as expected. 
  10. Pack a cell phone. [Be aware that in many hiking areas, there is no cell coverage -- check your provider's coverage map. 
  11. Pack basic first aid supplies, including bandages, moleskin, tweezers, and antiseptic wipes. 
  12. Pack your camera. 
  13. Make sure you are conditioned for long hikes. For example, if you are going on a 9-mile hike, try a 5-mile hike a week or two before, carrying the same gear on your back that you will have for the 9-mile. This gives you time to get comfortable with your bag, and to fix any weight-distribution problems in your packing, and also time to find a comfortable strap adjustment.

Rabu, 13 Mei 2015



Pembentukan kelompok dan organisasi kepencinta alaman ini merupakan salah satu pencetusan ide dari sebagian mahasiswa STKIP PGRI Trenggalek yang menginginkan adanya suatu wadah untuk menampung dan menyalurkan minat dan bakat dibidangnya. Nama organisasi ini adalah Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam Dewantara yang disingkat MAPALA DEWANTARA. Untuk mempermudah penyebutanya organisasi ini memiliki nama lapangan, yaitu MADEWA. Selanjutnya organisasi ini akan disebut MAPALA DEWANTARA. MAPALA DEWANTARA didirikan pada tanggal 23 September 2013 di Perpustakaan STKIP PGRI Trenggalek.
Kata “Dewantara” pada nama organisasi ini diambil dari Bapak Pendidikan Indonesia, yaitu Ki Hadjar Dewantara, yang berarti bahwa MAPALA DEWANTARA dalam perputaran roda keorganisasiannya tidak lepas dari nilai-nilai pendidikan.

Terciptanya insan manusia yang berakhlak mulia, berpola pikir luas, dan bertanggung jawab terhadap Lingkungannya, serta menjunjung tinggi Kode Etik Pecinta Alam Indonesia, Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi dan Almamater STKIP PGRI Trenggalek.

1.      Mepererat tali persaudaraan antar sesama anggota maupun sesama kelompok pecinta alam.
2.      Menjalin hubungan kerjasama yang dinaamis dan tidak mengikat serta koordinasi diantara pecinta alam
3.      Meningkatkan peran aktif kelompok pecinta alam dalam menanggapi masalah-masalah lingkungan serta berusaha mengembalikan citra baik kelompok pecinta alam khususnya di Kabupaten Trenggalek.


Kode Etik Pecinta Alam Indonesia

  1. Pecinta alam Indonesia sadar bahwa alam beserta isinya adalah ciptaan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
  2.  Pecinta alam Indonesia sebagai bagian dari masyarakat Indonesia sadar akan tanggung jawab kami kepada Tuhan, Bangsa dan Tanah Air.
  3. Pecinta alam Indonesia sadar bahwa pecinta alam adalah sebagai mahluk yang mencintai alam sebagai anugerah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.

Sesuai dengan hakekat diatas kami dengan kesadaran meyatakan :
  1. Mengabdi kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
  2.  Memelihara alam beserta isinya serta menggunakan sumber alam sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.
  3. Mengabdi kepada tanah air.
  4. Menghormati tata kehidupan yang berlaku pada masyarakat sekitarnya serta menghargai manusia dengan kerabatnya.
  5.  Berusaha mempererat tali persaudaraan antara pecinta alam sesuai dengan asas pecinta alam.
  6. Berusaha saling membantu serta saling menghargai dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
  7. Selesai.

Di susun dan di syahkan bersama dalam acara Gladian ke – IV
Di Ujung Pandang, Tahun 1974